
All notable changes to this project will be documented here.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project follows Semantic Versioning.



New features:

  • First stable version.

  • API documentation.

  • A command-line interface for easy automated fetching of data.

  • A stable relational data model, to make further analysis or data processing independent of the details of data ingest.

  • Support for fetching follow-graph edges, tweets, lists and user info.

  • Support for a variety of database backends via sqlalchemy.

  • Type-2 SCD for tracking the follow graph and list membership over time.

  • Many sanity checks in the data model to ensure correctness of loaded data.

  • Loaded data is extensively normalized: mentions, replies, retweets, and entities like hashtags are extracted into first-class objects for more convenient and accessible analysis.

  • Users can be tagged into arbitrary groups for greater convenience in analysis or data collection.

  • Support for both app-only and user authentication to the Twitter API.